Careers & Majors
Get a head start on researching careers and majors that are a good fit for your student based on personality and aptitude. The benefits of exploring majors and careers that are a good fit:
Discover personality type to learn how and where your student will be most successful
Gives students the opportunity to explore and plan extracurricular activities based on natural strengths and interests
Spend time exploring majors and careers in high school, instead of waiting until the college years which results in changing majors and taking longer to graduate
Advantage College Planning uses some of the best tools available to guide students in finding good fit careers:
Achieveworks Personality assessment
With AchieveWORKS Personality Assessment your student can discover their personality type to learn how and where they will be most successful.
Youscience aptitude Assessment
YouScience uses psychometrically-valid brain games to uncover students’ natural talents, then combine those aptitude measures with interests to generate the YouScience Profile.