Making Decisions When You Can't Visit Colleges

A version of this blog post originally published on March 13, 2020 and has been updated below.

Most students and families visit at least one college campus during the college planning process. These in-person visits usually happen when a student is making decisions about their college list. The story often goes like this:

A student tours a few colleges during their junior or early senior year to decide if they are a good fit. They apply to the colleges that they liked. In the spring of their senior year, they receive their acceptance to a number of schools. They try to remember those visits that may have been more than a year ago at this point, but they all sort of blend together in their memory.

Now, if some of those colleges are close by, that student might be able to visit again. Touring as an admitted student rather than a prospective student can be a totally different (and equally valuable) experience that helps that student make up their mind. But what if some of those colleges are too far away? Or what if there are too many to revisit by the May 1st decision deadline? Or what if you haven’t actually visited a college yet in the first place?

Here are some recommendations on how to make a college decision when you can’t physically go visit that college.


Most colleges have developed some sort of virtual tour over the past few years. Virtual tours are always a great way to see a campus even if you’ve visited before. Use a virtual tour to refresh your memory of what that campus environment felt like, or use it to explore for the first time. You may even get to see more of the campus than you did on your in-person visit.

Don’t forget about the area surrounding the campus! Use Google Maps Street View to virtually explore the city or town around the college. (Pro-tip: You can also see how long it takes to walk from one end of campus to the other or from the residence halls to the dining hall!)

Keep an eye out for other virtual opportunities as well! See if the college offers any Virtual Accepted Student Days, student panels, and other events to get admitted students excited about attending in the fall. Try to attend as many of these sessions for as many colleges as you can!


Hopefully, you built a solid team around you during the application season. Your teachers, your school counselor, your college consultant, and your admissions representative are all still here to help answer any lingering questions.

You can learn a lot about a campus from its current students. There’s a reason most colleges have students give their tours. Ask your “team” if they can help you get in touch with any current students at the colleges on your list and learn what their experience on campus has been.


When we work with students, we place a lot of emphasis on finding a good “fit” for each student. We spend time crafting a balanced list that fits our students academically, socially, and financially. In any scenario, it’s a good idea to go back and consider why you applied to that college in the first place. Remember the key criteria that make up your perfect fit and compare that list with the colleges you’re still deciding between.

A good tip is to look back at any supplemental essays the college asked for. Did you write a “Why Us?” or a “How will you contribute to this campus?” essay during the application process? Reread your own answers to these questions to remember your “why.”


There are ways for you to get to know your potential classmates without setting foot on campus. Join any groups on social media for admitted students and interact with people who are in your shoes. Ask them their “why.”

To get an idea of what life is like on campus, scroll through Instagram and Twitter accounts for colleges, admissions offices, or any clubs or sports on campus that interest you.

Good luck making your college decisions!