Making the Most of Your Summer: How to Pursue Enriching Activities While Boosting Your Admission Chances

By Saumya Garg, Advantage College Planning East Bay

Summer isn't just a break from classes; it's a valuable time for personal growth, skill development, and exploration. The experiences you have during the summer can speak volumes about your passion and commitment. Whether you're a high school student looking to stand out in college applications or an individual eager to make the most of your summer, here's a comprehensive guide to enriching activities and how to find them. For a video version of this content, refer to our YouTube video (College Admissions: Making the Most of Your Summer)

Students ending semester

1. Work Experience:

Work experience during the summer is not merely about earning extra cash; it's a powerful way to showcase responsibility, work ethic, and maturity. Employers and colleges value individuals who demonstrate the ability to handle responsibilities and manage day-to-day activities.

Engaging in work experiences allows individuals to develop essential skills such as time management, teamwork, and communication. The real-world exposure gained from work experiences sets applicants apart in the college application process.

Types of Work Experience:

Summer work experiences are not limited to a 9-to-5 scenario but encompass a wide range of opportunities.

  • A job at a local company

  • Paid internships

  • Job shadow programs

  • Family business

  • Run your own business

  • Freelance

How to Find Work Opportunities:

  • Leverage your network: Reach out to alumni, family, friends, and teachers for insights or opportunities.

  • Online job platforms: Explore websites like LinkedIn or local job boards. If you have specific skills, platforms like Upwork or Fiverr can connect you with freelance opportunities.

  • School career services: Seek guidance from your school's career services office for opportunities and resume assistance.

  • Local businesses: Visit local businesses and inquire about part-time jobs. Local businesses appreciate a personal touch and initiative.

  • Youth employment programs: Explore government-sponsored youth employment programs for job connections.

  • Cold calling/emailing: If all else fails, take the direct approach. If there's a specific business or organization you're interested in, don't hesitate to contact them directly. 

Finding the right work opportunity often involves a combination of these strategies. Be proactive, showcase your enthusiasm, and explore various channels to discover the perfect fit for your summer experience.

2. Volunteering:


Volunteering helps students connect with others, understand diverse perspectives, and instill a sense of responsibility toward making a positive impact on the world. By exposing students to real-world challenges, volunteering encourages resilience, adaptability, and a positive mindset. These qualities are crucial for success in various aspects of life, well beyond academics. 

Types of Volunteer Opportunities:

There are numerous ways to make a positive impact in your community. 

  • Local community service projects

  • Tutoring and homework help

  • Local nonprofits organizations

  • Summer camp coaching

  • Interest based opportunities, such as participating in youth courts, offering assistance in hospitals, or joining your city's youth council. 

How to Find Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Online platforms: Utilize websites like or AmeriCorps for local opportunities.

  • Community center & library: Check with local community centers for ongoing volunteer initiatives and projects in the area.

  • Local nonprofit organizations: Reach out directly to inquire about available positions and ongoing projects.

  • Government & municipal websites: Explore online listings for community service projects and events.

  • Local places of worship: Inquire about community service events organized by local places of worship.

The key is to find a volunteer opportunity that aligns with your passions and interests, creating a meaningful and fulfilling experience for both you and the community you serve.

3. Summer Classes:

Summer class

Summer classes offer a unique set of benefits that can significantly contribute to your academic and personal growth. They provide the opportunity for accelerated learning, covering coursework more efficiently and allowing individuals to advance in subjects of interest. For those who might need extra support in specific subjects, summer classes offer an excellent chance for remediation and reinforcement. It's an opportunity to strengthen your foundational knowledge.

Summer classes can be used for developing essential skills like leadership, and effective communication. This not only enhances academic growth but also contributes to personal development. Summer classes can also be a platform for major exploration. If you're considering potential career interests, these classes provide an opportunity to delve deeper and make informed decisions about your future. Completing summer classes showcases initiative and a commitment to academic excellence which in turn positively impacts college applications and helps build a robust resume.

Types of Summer Classes:

Depending on your interest or goals, you can pursue various types of classes.

  • Explore academic areas beyond your regular curriculum. 

  • Immerse yourself in hands-on experiences with workshops like coding bootcamps or 3D animation. 

  • Language immersion programs

  • Leadership Programs

  • Address learning gaps and reinforce foundational knowledge in subjects where additional support is needed. This can include fulfilling prerequisites for advanced courses.

How to Find Summer Classes:

  • School Resources: Check with your school's guidance counselors, academic advisors, or summer school programs. 

  • Online Learning Platforms: Explore options on Coursera, edX, or Khan Academy for a variety of subjects.

  • Local Colleges and Universities: Inquire about summer course offerings for high school students.

4. Educational Prep Programs:

Educational prep programs, run by colleges, provide firsthand campus experiences, helping students adapt to both academic and social aspects of college life. Engaging in college-level courses allows high schoolers to delve deeper into subjects, providing a more challenging and enriching academic experience. A key benefit is that the successful completion of these programs may earn students transferable credits, offering a head start on higher education. 

Participation in educational prep programs showcases initiative. It's an impressive addition to college applications, making students stand out in the admissions process. Interacting with peers, instructors, and professionals during these programs provides valuable networking opportunities. These connections can be beneficial for both academic and professional futures. 

Types of Educational Prep Programs:

There’s a variety of educational prep programs that cater to diverse interests and aspirations. 

  • Pre-college summer programs

  • Residential college prep programs

  • Leadership conferences

  • Academic enrichment programs

Each of these types of programs has its unique benefits. Whether you're interested in exploring a specific field, developing leadership skills, or seeking academic challenges, there's likely a program that aligns with your goals. 

How to Find Educational Prep Programs:

  • School guidance counselors: Consult them for insights and tailored recommendations.

  • College websites: Explore university websites for information on summer bridge programs and workshops.

  • Online forums & communities: Participate in online forums or communities discussing educational opportunities; fellow students often share recommendations and experiences.

5. Other Interest-Based Activities:

Besides the above, there are various interest based activities you can engage in over summer.

  • Engage in skill-building activities related to your interests, whether it's sports, music, or arts. Use the summer to hone your skills and improve your performance in areas you're passionate about.

  • Leverage social media platforms like YouTube to share your passion and skills with a wider audience. Creating a channel can be a creative outlet and also a way to teach and inspire others.

  • During summer, take some time to pursue personal passions and adventures. Whether it's hiking a scenic trail or exploring a new hobby, summer provides the perfect opportunity for personal growth and enjoyment.

  • If you like exploring different cultures, you could participate in a summer abroad program. It's a unique way to broaden your horizons and explore something new.

  • You could also consider starting a personal blog or a writing project. Express your creativity, share your experiences, and document your personal growth journey. It's a reflective and fulfilling endeavor and will also come in handy when you sit down to write your college essays.

Remember, summer is not just about structured programs; it's also about discovering, exploring, and enjoying activities that resonate with your interests and passions. 

Dos and Don'ts of Summer:

Summer trips

As you evaluate summer activities, it's essential to approach them thoughtfully. Here are some dos and don'ts to guide your decision-making process:

  • Seek selective programs: Aim for programs with competitive admission processes to ensure a challenging and enriching experience. Look for opportunities that value merit over monetary contributions, steering clear of programs that accept participants solely based on payment.

  • Explore specialized opportunities: Look for programs that align with your specific interests and career goals. This ensures a more targeted and meaningful experience tailored to your aspirations.

  • Research program credibility: Investigate the reputation of programs through reviews, testimonials, and alumni feedback. This helps ensure the quality and authenticity of the program you choose.

  • Verify university program affiliation: If a program claims to be held on a university campus, verify its affiliation. Some programs may falsely associate with universities, affecting the overall quality of the experience.

  • Guard against overcommitment: Avoid overloading your schedule with too many activities. Prioritize quality experiences over quantity for a more impactful and fulfilling summer.

Admissions decisions go beyond just grades and courses. Your application is a comprehensive picture of who you are, and a good summer can elevate various elements, including essays, extracurricular activities and awards & recognitions. Students often use research mentors and work supervisors to write valuable recommendation letters that speak to the students’ practical skills, dedication, and passion. 

A well-planned summer isn't just a standalone experience – it's a catalyst that can positively impact various aspects of your college application. By approaching summer activities thoughtfully and with discernment, individuals can prioritize quality experiences that align with their goals, contributing significantly to holistic development. So, go ahead, explore, and make your summer a season of growth and exploration!

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