A Holiday Gift Guide for High Schoolers

What sort of holiday shopper are you? Do you enjoy the hustle and bustle of shopping right before Christmas? Are you an avid Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal hound? Do you start your shopping before Thanksgiving?

I fall into the latter camp. I technically bought my first holiday gift back in August when my favorite store in downtown Raleigh closed for good (we miss you, Port of Raleigh!) and except for a few last little things to pick up, I’m more or less finished with my holiday shopping. My secret to lessening the stress of holiday shopping? Gift guides.

I love a good gift guide. I wait all year long for different outlets to publish theirs, and I have so much fun reading them. From Oprah’s Favorite Things to The Strategist, it gets me in the holiday spirit to peruse these lists with my loved ones in mind. And a lot of the work is done for me because someone else has scoured the internet and curated a list perfectly suited for whoever it is I’m shopping for.

Since we’re coming up on the holidays (and because no one’s finding a PS5 at this point), I thought I’d put together my own gift guide for the high schooler in your life. 



I’m a big fan of gifting and getting books. I think it’s really thoughtful to take the time to consider someone’s interests and what they might enjoy learning about and picking out a book for them. Putting thought into it makes a book a much more personal gift than grabbing something off the bestseller list and calling it a day.

I recommend putting time and thought into choosing a book for your high schooler, especially if they aren’t a big reader. Do they have a particular interest or is there something they’d like to learn more about? You can find great fiction and nonfiction books on politics, science, history, art, design, and just about any other topic you can think of.

And it doesn’t have to be a traditional book! Take some time to consider how your high schooler likes to consume media. Is a newspaper, magazine, or journal subscription more their speed? Would they prefer an audiobook? Audible and Libro.fm (my personal favorite because your purchases support local indie bookstores!) are great options. If physical books aren’t your teenager’s thing, then maybe a Kindle is the way to go. What about a library card if your student doesn’t have one already? It’s free! If your student is never far from their phone, download the Libby app, and they can get hundreds of ebooks and audiobooks on their phone. It’s how I’ve done most of my reading this year.

Lastly, as a gift to your favorite college admissions blogger, consider purchasing your book from a local independent bookstore - even if it doesn’t have super-fast 2-day shipping.


This is a present that would pair perfectly with an audiobook! But new headphones are also great for listening to podcasts, music, or tuning out the barking dog during online school.

I’ll be honest and say that headphone technology has passed me by, so I don’t have any recommendations. But there are tons on the market from AirPods (with a fun case, of course) to noise-canceling over-the-ear models.


At the top of my own holiday wishlist this year is an annual subscription to MasterClass. With over 90 vastly different classes, it’s a great way to learn something new - and for the holidays, they run a buy-one, get-one special on annual memberships. 

There are other online education platforms to consider (many of which I wrote about during the early days of the pandemic) like Skillshare, Lynda, and Udemy where students can learn new skills in bite-size pieces. It’s a great way to bring learning out of the classroom and to learn about things that aren’t covered in school.



Whether your student is returning to a physical classroom or continuing with online learning, it’s the perfect time to reset and reorganize. Help your student get a jumpstart on 2021 with a new planner and a customized way to organize their things.

I recommend that this be an “interactive gift” that you do together. What works for one person doesn’t always work for another. You want this to be a system that your student sticks with, so make sure it’s what works for them. Take a trip to the Container Store together, and I bet you’ll learn something about each other’s personalities in the process!


We’re still in a pandemic, and sanitizing is the new normal. 

I don’t have to tell you that phones are disgusting. Do some quick googling and be horrified by what you discover. We touch our phones dozens of times throughout the day. And even though most teenagers I know use their phones more as an entertainment box than a telephone, we often hold our phones up to our maskless faces. -Shudder-

Phone sanitizing wipes are a great stocking stuffer, but companies also make a UV sanitizing wireless charger that I’d recommend. Maybe get a few for the whole family.


Alright, this might sound a little boring and practical - I remember the year I was gifted luggage as a teenager and was more confused than anything - but one day, we’ll all get to travel again. One day, your high schooler is going to go off to college, and let’s give them something to pack their clothes in other than two mismatched duffle bags from their childhood and a laundry hamper.


While we’re on the subject of bags, how about a new bag/backpack/tote bag/carryall of choice if your student is returning to in-person school in the spring? Most students didn’t get new bags in the fall because of online learning, so this is a great time to refresh that backpack from last year that the cat has been using as a bed for the last 6 months.



Give your future-student the opportunity to look back on their present-self with a journal they can use to record their experiences. Journaling is a great way to tap into creativity, work through feelings, improve writing skills, and boost mental health. What’s not to love?

But it can be a little intimidating to start with a big blank notebook, so consider a guided journal if your high schooler is new to journaling. I’m a big fan of the one-line-a-day journals and Wreck This Journal is usually a pretty big hit. Here’s a list of “journals that spark extreme creativity!”


Many of us are spending way too much time on our screens these days. For a lot of students, they have to rack up hours of screentime for school each day, and then they’re still turning to their screens in their down time. So I think a perfect gift this holiday season is something that doesn’t involve a screen at all.

One of my favorite pandemic-hobby stories is from my very STEM-focused student who finally got the opportunity to work on a paint-by-numbers set she got for Christmas two years ago. She had so much fun doing something creative that was out of her everyday experience. Other students have learned to sew, picked up golfing, redecorated their bedrooms, started boxing, learned new instruments and gotten into photography.

Help your student explore their creative side and give their screens a break with a gift that supports a screen-free hobby.

I hope this list has given you a few gift ideas for the high schooler in your life! 

Happy Holidays, and I’ll see you in 2021!

COVID-19 & College Applications Part 2: Financial Aid

COVID-19 & College Applications Part 2: Financial Aid

Since the pandemic hit our community, we’ve adjusted to a new way of working with students and families. We’ve gotten comfortable on Zoom, seen inside each other’s homes, and built relationships even if we haven’t ever had the chance to meet face-to-face. In such an uncertain time, it’s been more important to us than ever to make sure our students and their families know we’re here to support them.

Advantage College Planning Answers: Wake Forest's Lists

Today, we’re continuing with our Advantage College Planning Answers series where our consultants respond to some of the same short answer prompts our seniors are answering in their applications. In this edition, we’re going to look at two of Wake Forest’s requirements - the book list and the top 10 list.

I get a lot of questions about these two prompts. They can definitely feel a little tricky or intimidating for some students. What do you do if you’re not a big reader? Just what exactly are you supposed to rank for that top 10 list?

After you read our answers below, keep scrolling for tips and to see how I approached these questions!

List five books you’ve read that intrigued you.


  1. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

  2. Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar

  3. Seinlanguage by Jerry Seinfeld

  4. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

  5. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver


  1. The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

  2. Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill

  3. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

  4. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

  5. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis


  1. House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

  2. Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

  3. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

  4. The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

  5. The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin

Give us your top 10 list.


Top 10 Fashion/Style Icons

  1. Punky Brewster - classic 80s fashion; fun, original, and I could rock some pig-tails when I was young!

  2. Ralph Lauren - patriotism personified; who doesn't look good in red, white, and blue?

  3. Betty Boop - yes, the classic cartoon character with the pin curls.

  4. Project Runway - creative design with creative materials

  5. Mother Earth - I find so much inspiration in nature; just think of the color!

  6. My cousin Katie - she had more style at age 3 than I've had my whole life

  7. Michelle Obama - she's the whole package

  8. Audrey Hepburn - those bangs! that pixie cut! the black dresses!

  9. Rosie the Riveter - women do hard work with style

  10. and the OG, my grandmother; her sense of style is unparalleled


10 Unforgettable Things About Growing Up in Rural Vermont

  1. Walking to school in 12 (or more!) inches of snow.

  2. Leaf-peeping.

  3. Never locking our house doors.

  4. The night sky. You can almost always see the stars!

  5. Maple creemees.

  6. The smell of dairy farms.

  7. Wearing flannel (before it was fashionable).

  8. Ben & Jerry’s existing as a food group and paying our respects at the Ben & Jerry’s flavor graveyard each year.

  9. Always running into someone you know at the grocery store (without fail).

  10. Frozen nose hair.


My 10 favorite house plants

  1. My Pilea, aka "friendship plant" because it reproduces so fast, has spawned 10+ "pups" to give away.

  2. My Aloe grew from a "pup" off my grandmother's plant that was a "pup" of my great-grandmother's.

  3. I revived my Devil's Backbone from the brink of death and keep it up high because of its toxic sap!

  4. My 2 Fiddle Leaf Fig trees are taller than me. We wrap them in lights for the Holidays.

  5. My Thai Constellation Monstera started as one leaf and is now almost too big for its pot!

  6. I bought a Vanilla Orchid (yes, where vanilla comes from!) at the Duke Orchid Show in 2019.

  7. My Fittonia, aka "nerve plant," is a dramatic diva who droops if she's the least bit thirsty!

  8. The flowers on my night-blooming "Queen of the Night" Orchid Cactus only last for one night!

  9. I planted cactus seeds 4 years ago. The biggest of my little cluster is now about 3" tall.

  10. My Desert Rose has dropped all its leaves. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong!

Alright, now that we’ve gotten through the fun part, let’s talk strategy for these questions. Beginning with books…

List five books you’ve read that intrigued you.

My students and I struggle with this question usually for opposite reasons. I read a lot (I just finished my 67th book of 2020), so it’s hard for me to narrow down that list! Many of my students, on the other hand, aren’t big readers or don’t have time to read much outside of school. So how do you choose five books? And what are they supposed to say about you in the first place?

This question is a chance to highlight intellectual curiosity and mention some interests that may not have made it into other parts of your application. The question is not the place to list lofty books you haven’t read in order to sound smart. Wake’s admission team can see right through that.

On this question, you’re asked to put whether or not it was required reading. It’s okay to dedicate a few spaces to books you read for school to show what really caught your interest, but this shouldn’t be the majority. Also, keep in mind that many high schoolers are reading a lot of the same books for school - if your list is The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, and a Shakespeare play, it’s not going to stand out.

I’m often asked if it’s okay to include “fun” books in this section like Harry Potter, a book read in middle school, or even a childhood favorite. Yes! These are great ways to show variety and personality as long as they don’t dominate your list. Just choose one Harry Potter book (Prisoner of Azkaban, obviously) instead of listing five, and don’t make a list of all Dr. Seuss books!

One last note on this question. It’s clear that Wake Forest puts an emphasis on reading. This isn’t the only books-related prompt Wake Forest has, and it’s almost a guarantee that books will come up in their interview. That they value reading so heavily tells you a little something about what the student experience at Wake Forest will be like. You’re going to be among readers. You may be in reading-heavy classes. If sitting down with a book really feels like the last thing on the planet you want to do, you might want to reconsider if Wake Forest is a good fit for you.

Give us your top 10 list.

Can you get more open-ended than this prompt? I’m really not sure if you can! You’re asked to give a top 10 list on literally any topic or theme. You only have 100 characters per list item. That’s tough! So how do you choose?

First, start by thinking about what is meaningful to you but also personal to you. Remember, your reader wants to learn something about you from this list, so even if soccer is your passion, a ranking of your FIFA teams doesn’t tell your reader anything about you (and a lot of other soccer fans are probably picking the same theme).

When I approached this prompt, my first instinct was to list my top 10 favorite books or the 10 books I want to read next. It would probably reveal a lot about me BUT I’d miss out on an opportunity to reveal something new about myself to my reader. My love of plants probably wouldn’t have made it anywhere in my hypothetical application, but take one step into my home/indoor jungle, and you’d see that they are clearly important to me! And while you might know from Brooke’s application that she grew up in Vermont, her experience really highlights what that experience was like through her eyes (no thank you, frozen nose hair!).

Keep in mind that you don’t have a lot of room to explain your choices. If you want to list your top 10 favorite quotes, I hope they’re short quotes! And without explanation, some lists may not come off as you intended. I thought about listing my favorite places around the world, but without the opportunity to acknowledge how privileged I am to have traveled extensively, such a list might come off looking entitled or lacking some awareness.

Remember that personalization is key here! We all could choose Lindsey’s theme and come up with 10 very different lists, but some themes lend themselves to cliches, unoriginal responses, or answers that just don’t reveal a lot about you. There are always exceptions, but try to avoid: favorite teams, television shows, movies, songs/musical artists, video games, foods, destinations, etc…

Final Thoughts

For both of these questions, the Wake Forest admissions team wants to see your creativity and curiosity in action. They aren’t looking for Ph.D. candidates’ lists; they’re looking for lists written by a teenager! Wake wants to know what you find interesting - not what you think they think is interesting!

COVID-19 & College Applications Part 1: Standardized Testing

I usually end my meetings with students by asking them to rate their college-related stress level on a scale of 1-10. This helps me check in with how my students are feeling and also lets me know where their pain points are. Over and over, I’m hearing the same thing this fall when I ask students what’s driving their stress: standardized testing.

Even though more than half of all colleges have adopted some sort of test-flexible or test-optional policy for students applying to enter in the fall of 2021, all of the uncertainty around testing is putting a lot of extra strain on students. 

Most of my students have one test score from the ACT given by North Carolina public schools in February. And for the last seven months, they’ve been strung along prepping for tests that may not happen, finding out about site cancellations the night before (or even the morning of) the test, and even driving multiple hours to find open testing locations. In the last few weeks, I’ve heard from a few of my students that they’ve finally been able to test, but they’re worried about their scores because they were distracted by their mask or regret not prepping more because this is the fourth test they’ve signed up for and didn’t think it would actually happen.

The situation around standardized testing isn’t ideal, and it certainly isn’t fair. But because this is our current reality, I thought it might be helpful to address some frequently asked “testing during COVID-19” questions.

What is test optional and what does it really mean?

Test optional means that a college has decided that standardized test scores are not required for a student to be admitted to their school. Students have the choice to send scores if they have them, but they will not be penalized if they choose not to include test scores as part of their application.

More than 1,000 colleges have adopted a test-optional policy for at least the upcoming year. Because this is an unusual change in the admission process, many students and families are wondering: Does test optional really means test optional?

NACAC, the National Association for College Admission Counseling, has been definitive with their answer: YES.

That said, make sure you fully understand a college’s test-optional policy before you apply. Some colleges like the University of Alabama and Elon University are test optional for admission purposes, but students will still be required to submit a test score before they enroll. Other colleges with test-optional admission policies may still use test scores for academic scholarships or honors colleges.

What is test flexible? 

There are fewer test-flexible colleges than test-optional ones. Test flexible means that the school has placed some conditions on whether or not a student will need to submit test scores. Some test-flexible colleges, like the University of South Carolina, require additional materials like AP scores or a graded paper from students are not submitting an SAT or ACT score. Other test-flexible colleges, like the University of Arkansas, have a test-optional policy but only for students meeting certain GPA requirements.

Because each test-flexible college may have different requirements to meet, it is important to understand each college’s test-flexible policy before you apply.

What is test blind?

If a college is test blind, they do not use test scores in the decision making process. Test optional and test blind are not the same thing. 

If a college is test optional, a student will not be penalized for not submitting scores, but another student with strong test scores can and should submit those scores to strengthen their overall application. A test-blind college is not considering test scores at all as part of a student’s application - even if they send in a perfect score.

Few colleges have adopted true test-blind policies this year - the major exception being the University of California system.

If I don't send my test scores, how will my application be evaluated?

It’s important to reiterate that students will not be penalized or disadvantaged if they do not submit test scores to a college with a test-optional policy. But without test scores as part of a student’s application, how will they be evaluated?

Colleges are going to be looking closer at other parts of the application. As always, a student’s grades and course rigor are going to be major factors. Letters of recommendation from teachers may also carry more weight as they provide a look at a student’s performance in the classroom. Essays may be read more closely.

Some colleges may add an additional piece to the application for students not submitting test scores. The University of Tennessee asks for an additional essay if they are applying without a test score. And after a student has submitted their application, Clemson asks students to "Please provide us with a short description of any additional factors you would like us to consider in place of standardized test scores."

How do I apply test optional?

If you want your application to be considered without a test score, do not self-report your test scores on the application or send an official score report to that college. 

Some colleges will ask in their application if you want your application to be read with or without a test score, so make sure to choose the correct option for you. However, not all colleges ask this as part of the application process, so it’s important to set up an online portal with each college after you’ve submitted your application to see if there are any additional requirements. Like I mentioned above, Clemson asks if a student wants to be apply without test scores after the application has been submitted.

What do I do if I want to apply test optional to some schools but send my test score to others?

On the Common App, it’s easy to self-report your test scores to different colleges and withhold it from others. In the testing section, simply click that you have no test scores to report if you are submitting a test-optional application. Any test scores you have entered won’t be deleted from your account and will reappear if you click “yes,” but they will not be sent with any application where “no” is clicked. Make sure you know which colleges you want to send test scores to and which ones you don’t, and double-check your answers in this question each time you are ready to submit.

If I apply test optional and am able to test later this fall, can I change my mind?

Maybe. The final decision is ultimately up to each individual college, so reach out to your admissions counselors to learn more about specific school policies. 

What if my scores are released or my test date is after a school’s deadline?

Again, it depends. 

It depends on the school’s policy and how far after the deadline we’re talking. Some colleges, like UNC Chapel Hill, give students a window of a few weeks after the application deadline for supplemental materials like test scores to be received. Other colleges want all materials received by the same date. 

Reach out to your admissions counselor before your deadline to learn if they will accept your late scores. In some cases, you might decide to apply by a later deadline. But if an early deadline is necessary because of a specific program or opportunity, it may be in your best interest to apply test optional. 

So… Should I apply test optional?

  • Have you been able to test at all?

  • Will you have the opportunity to test again in an environment where you feel safe?

  • Do you feel like your test score reflects your academic abilities?

  • Does your test score fall in the middle 50% of test scores for that college?

  • Are you required to submit test scores for honors colleges, merit aid, or any other programs?

If you’re answering “no” to these questions and the colleges on your list have test-optional policies, don’t let standardized testing add to what is already an unusually stressful college admissions cycle. Instead, work hard on your essays - even the optional ones, assemble a team of recommenders who can speak to your strengths in and out of the classroom, and focus on strengthening the other parts of your application.

Advantage College Planning Answers: Elon's "Think Fast"

Our seniors are right in the thick of their college applications. Many of my students are up to their ears in essays, writing around 13 on average!

Because they have so much writing to do, we thought it was only fair if the Advantage College Planning consulting team took on some of these prompts as well. Over the next few months, we’ll be answering different college’s short answer questions (sorry, but we’re too busy reading your essays to write our own!) starting with Elon’s “Think Fast” questions.

  1. What brings you joy? (30 words)

  2. We’re in your hometown. Where should we eat and what should we order? (30 words)

  3. Name three songs from your perfect playlist. (30 words)

I had a lot of fun answering these questions, and I hope my teammates did too! Here are our answers:


  1. A certain shade of blue that's the exact color of the middle of the ocean. Visiting bookstores and buying whatever I can carry. Uncrowded parks and art museums. Kitten paws.

  2. [Nashville, TN] Head to Mas Tacos for Saturday brunch. If you get there early enough, you’ll miss the line. Order the chilaquiles rojos with a horchata. And don’t forget - cash only!

  3. Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
    Shake It Out by Florence + the Machine
    Down in the Valley by The Head and the Heart


  1. The sound of my girls’ belly laughs, iced coffee in the summertime, listening to live music in a full, but not packed, casual bar, and reuniting with my college friends. 

  2. [Endicott, NY] Start at Kristofor’s for pizza & hot wings, then Lupo’s for a chicken spiedie. Last, the Cider Mill for a cinnamon-sugar doughnut, candy apple, & jug of fresh-pressed apple cider.

  3. I Am Here by P!nk
    Fields of Gray by Bruce Hornsby
    Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright by Susan Tedeschi


  1. A cup of coffee in my favorite mug (a small, white, ceramic cup with a Ralph's Coffee label) and the Sunday edition of the News & Observer.

  2. [Syracuse, NY] Visitors must eat a meal at the legendary Dinosaur Bar-B-Que and order at least a quarter rack of ribs (sorry vegetarian friends) with a side of fries and baked beans.

  3. Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson
    Into the Mystic by Van Morrison
    Run the World (Girls) by Beyonce


  1. Coffee and cake.

  2. [St. Alban’s, VT] Jeff’s Maine Seafood is the place! We’d start with bacon-wrapped scallops drizzled with Vermont maple syrup, move along to lobster mac and cheese, and end with molten maple cake. 

  3. I Won’t Back Down by Tom Petty
    I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston
    Like a Prayer by Madonna


College Application Deadlines - Which is right for you?

A lot of decisions go into submitting college applications. Students have to decide on their college list, their essay topic, their major, and so on.

One decision students may not realize they have to make until they get into the application is when they need to apply or which application deadline they will choose. Individual colleges can have a few different application deadlines for students to choose from, and it can be an important factor for some applicants.

This is one thing students shouldn’t procrastinate because deadline options can span several months with some as early as September of senior year. So students don’t miss out on any opportunities, let’s discuss the different application deadlines, what they mean, and which deadlines might be best for which type of student.


Early decision deadlines are for students who have made their decision early. It is binding, meaning that students enter a contractual agreement with the college saying that they will attend if they are accepted. Upon acceptance, a student will withdraw any applications from other colleges. 

In exchange for that commitment from a student, early decision often has a higher acceptance rate, giving students a greater chance of being admitted. For example, Vanderbilt’s regular decision acceptance rate was around 8% last year, but their early decision acceptance rate was closer to 20%.

Early decision deadlines are often in the fall, but some colleges will have a second round with a later deadline. Because students are applying early, they will also receive their results early enough to make other plans if they are not accepted.

Not all colleges have an early decision deadline - in fact, most don’t. And not all students will apply to any school by the early decision deadline - again, most don’t.

Who is Early Decision right for?

  • Students who have their heart set on a certain college and are 100% certain that they will attend if they are accepted.

  • Students who do not need to compare financial aid packages from different colleges in the spring to determine the best financial fit.

  • Students who are okay with receiving less financial aid from the institution since the college does not need to offer money to tempt a student to accept.


Many colleges have the same deadlines for early decision and early action, and there’s sometimes confusion between the two. As the name suggests, early action deadlines also occur early in the fall. October 15, November 1, and December 1 are popular dates, but it’s important to check each individual college’s deadlines.

Unlike early decision, early action is not binding. Students are usually not limited to how many colleges they can apply early action to (the exception being a very few schools like Harvard and Stanford that have restricted or single-choice early action). 

Usually, there is no significant acceptance rate “bump” with early action like there is with early decision. The main advantage of early action is that a student will learn their admission decision in late winter (usually January or February) instead of in early spring (usually March or April). 

Early action is for the proactive student, and it’s a timeline I often recommend. It can bring students some peace of mind to have their applications finished and submitted early.

Who is Early Action right for?

  • Any student who is able to finish a complete and thoughtful application by a fall deadline.

  • Students who already have a balanced college list.

  • Students who are finished with standardized testing in time for the early deadlines.

  • Students who want to be considered for merit aid or honors colleges if the college notes that students must apply early to be considered.

  • Students who would like to be finished with their applications before the holidays.


This is the standard college deadline that is usually (again, check each school to be sure) on or after January 1. Regular decision is not binding. Students will generally receive their admission decision in spring. While students who apply early may get an admission decision weeks or months before they receive a financial aid award letter, students who apply regular decision usually receive both around the same time.

Who is Regular Decision right for?

  • Any student. Even students who apply early to some schools may apply regular decision to others.

  • Students who need or want an extra semester to improve their grades or continue standardized testing.


Colleges with rolling admission review applications as they are received rather than waiting for a hard deadline to accept applications and release admission decisions. Students can apply as early as the summer before senior year and, as long as there’s space in a college’s class, as late as a few weeks before college classes start. 

With rolling admission, the early bird gets the worm. Students often receive their admission decision within weeks of submitting their application, and colleges are often less selective early in the admissions season because they have filled less of their incoming class. Colleges with rolling admission can become more selective the later a student waits to apply.

Who is Rolling Admission right for?

  • Students who are anxious about the college admission process - it can often help with peace of mind to have a decision from rolling admission schools before other applications are even submitted.

  • Students who could benefit from increased admission chances if they can submit their application soon enough.

  • Students who decide to add a college to their list after the regular decision deadline. 

Remember, just like everything else in the college planning process, nothing is one size fits all. Just because it’s right for one student to apply early decision doesn’t mean it’s right for every student. And it’s not all or nothing. Students can and often do have a mix of deadlines!

Tackling the Supplemental Essays

Summertime is essay time! It’s my favorite time to work with students on their essays because their brains and creativity don’t have all the distractions of school, teachers, and extracurriculars. We can really dig in and get a lot accomplished before applications even open. 

Over the past month or so, essays have been a big focus for our team. We’ve recorded a podcast on choosing a compelling essay topic. We did a public webinar on the 10 things students should avoid in the Common App essay. And we’ve been running our usual essay workshops with our students to get them started on their essays. For the most part, our attention has been on the personal statement. But now that we’re so close to the Common App opening, it’s time to turn our attention to supplemental essays. 

A lot of students and families discount supplemental essays when thinking about the college application. They’re usually pretty short and colleges just ask for one or a few. No big deal. But supplemental essays are an important part of the application, and students need to develop a plan for them. 

For one, those few short essays really add up. Last year, our students wrote an average of 11 supplemental essays apiece! That takes quite a chunk of time!

Second, this isn’t the “common” part of the Common App. These questions and prompts are carefully crafted by admissions offices to get certain information from students that they take into consideration when building their incoming class.

Today, let’s go over some of my best tips for writing supplemental essays. 


Let’s say that, when the Common App opens, two students learn that they will have to write 14 supplemental essays apiece. They both make a list of all the prompts and start typing away.

Student A has her list in alphabetical order because she went down the line in the Common App. Student B has listed his by order of preference starting with the reach schools he’d like to attend. 

By the time she’s finished writing, Student A feels like she’s written the same essay at least 3 times. Meanwhile, Student B poured his heart into his first several essays and got burned out halfway through. With the deadline approaching, he rushed through the supplements for his target and likely schools, even copying and pasting the same essay more than once.

What should these two students have done differently?

The should have made a plan.

Read through all of the essay prompts and sort them into the categories. There are the “Why _____?” prompts. The impact prompts. The kind of silly prompts.

Are any of the prompts in each category similar enough that one essay could be reworked to fit both? Have any of the colleges given a “free pass” (one of my favorites, the “tell us something we haven’t learned about you yet,” is the perfect opportunity to potentially re-use a supplement)?

Then, I recommend working in a balanced way. Students should devote time to each college on their list and give themselves enough time to thoughtfully answer each question.=


Because colleges are asking specific questions with their supplemental essay questions, it’s important to answer what they’re asking. It’s pretty obvious when students avoid a part of the question they may not want to respond to or when the supplement better answers a similar question asked by another college (yes, colleges know their competitions’ prompts!).

Sometimes, colleges ask a question that has a straight forward answer, but they’re looking for students to dig a little deeper. It’s time to read between the lines a bit.

When the prompt is “Why this college?” the deeper questions might be “What do you know about us, and how will you take advantage of our opportunities?” Students miss an opportunity when they write their UNCW essay about how they want to go to college near the beach.

“Tell us about an activity or extracurricular activity” is a great opportunity to talk about impact and contributions and give colleges an idea of how a student might make an impact once they come to campus.


Often, I’ll read a student’s main essay, and it’s full of personality and really captures that student’s voice. Then, I’ll read one of their supplements, and it’s like they’ve been replaced by a robot. The tone takes a turn for the worse, and I’m stuck reading a formal, dry paragraph that’s way less interesting than the student who wrote it. 

Length has a lot to do with this unfortunate transformation. Many supplements hover at around 250 words, and it’s not easy to say all you want to in just a paragraph. In addition, because colleges are asking a specific question, a lot of students get stuck thinking that there’s a specific answer that colleges want to hear. They box up their personality and push out a canned answer they think they’re supposed to give. 

It’s boring. Boring to write, and boring to read. It might also make the reader wonder which is really the student’s true voice. Or, potentially even worse, they may wonder if the student cares enough about the college to take their time on the application. So take all of the dynamic personality from the personal statement and apply it to supplements as well. All essays in the application should sound like their writer so the reader can get a glimpse of who they are. Don’t sacrifice your voice!

Guest Post: A Letter To Rising Senior Parents

Julie Stallman is the owner and publisher of TriangleSeniorYear.com. She is a graphic designer and marketing professional with a love of all things creative and a sincere appreciation for small business owners. Julie and her family have lived in Cary for over 21 years and feel fortunate to call the Triangle home.

To Parents of Rising Seniors, From Class of 2020 Parents

Early in my daughter’s senior year of high school, a small group of my friends and I promised to help each other stay on top of all of the senior year dates, deadlines, and information that we were getting from multiple sources on an almost weekly basis. We were determined that no yearbook deadline, cap and gown order form, or senior event photo op would fall through the cracks! We sent reminder texts and helped each other with last-minute requests for slideshow pictures, senior salute posters, and playbill ads. I’m not sure any of us would have successfully navigated senior year without that collaboration.

In a way, it kind of reminded me of being a new parent. Remember the emotion and whirlwind of the infant and toddler years? I, for one, would not have survived them without the friendships, camaraderie, and advice that were my lifelines back then. I think the hectic, and sometimes frenzied, teen years can be similar; my daughter’s senior year brought on the same type of need for connection, collaboration, and support that got me through the beginning of my parenting journey.

In that spirit, I reached out to my friends and asked them to reflect on their recent graduate’s senior year and share their thoughts to pass along to parents of the Class of 2021. None of the ideas or advice is revolutionary, but whether you’re about to embark on your first time or your final time as a senior parent, the collective advice from these class of 2020 parents is thoughtful, honest, and hopefully helpful.

Get Ready & Stay Organized

The sheer number of things required to fill out college applications that are solely the student’s responsibility was surprising. She needed help to stay on task with deadlines, etc.”  - Middle Creek High School c/o 2020 parent

There’s a lot to stay on top of and it’s pretty easy for both you and your senior to feel overwhelmed. You might be thinking “how much can there be to keep track of?” For senior activities and events, it will be different for every school and the ease of keeping up with it will be largely dependent on how well the information is communicated to you by the school and school organizations. As one friend admitted, “The first time as a senior parent was rough! I was a bit clueless and we almost missed out on some things.”

Plus, if your student is college-bound and starting the college application process, go ahead and double or maybe even triple the amount of information you will need to keep track of. Every college or university’s application has slightly different requirements and multiple types of deadlines. Multiply that by the number of schools your student is applying to and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Plus you’ll need to have a handle on things like financial aid and scholarship dates and deadlines too. 

 Pro tip: Before senior year even starts, figure out what works best for you and your student to easily keep track of all of the information you’ll receive and have to manage. Some ideas:

  • Set up weekly check-ins so you both stay in the loop on dates, tasks, and deadlines.

  • Use Google docs to create, share, and update a spreadsheet of dates and deadlines.

  • Go old-school and print calendars for the fridge that you can both add info to.

  • Use Trello or another online project management app to collaborate on senior year events and deadlines.

One mom said if she could do it over, she would have liked a printable timeline to help stay on track and make sure they didn’t miss anything. Whatever you choose, some sort of plan and/or system will help tremendously.

Seek Resources And Support Where You Need To

I paid a tutor to work with my son on his essay because we couldn’t agree. She was so helpful and he followed her suggestions.”
- Green Hope High School c/o 2019 and 2020 parent

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or a particular task or event just isn’t in your wheelhouse, there are plenty of resources available to help. 

I knew that if I was the primary person guiding my daughter through her college application process, there would be a lot of unnecessary angst and conflict involved. Finding someone to help her and removing myself from the equation allowed her to progress through the application process much more smoothly and without the added stress of my emotions and anxiety. Honestly, it was the best decision I made all year.

And this doesn’t only apply to the college application process. When prom preparations didn’t go as planned, one mom I know and her daughter both ended up in tears. “In hindsight, I’d pay any amount of money to just hire the photographer, the stylist, the limo, the make-up artist, and anyone, ANYTHING else she needed to avoid the drama.”

Bottom line: Find support or outsource it if it means less stress and a more enjoyable experience.

Get Involved & Volunteer More

Easy to say when your child just graduated, right? This was actually a sentiment expressed by several senior moms when I asked them what the one thing was they wish they’d done differently during their student’s senior year. Whether it’s with the PTSA, Senior Planning Committee, the Theater Company, or just volunteering in general, there are always ample opportunities to lend a hand in our schools. I actually volunteered quite a bit during my daughter’s four years of high school and always enjoyed the opportunity to get to know the students and teachers, see “behind the scenes” at events, and connect with other parents.

Let Go & Promote Independence

Let your senior see their friends as much as they would like! Let them take trips, even day trips!
- Apex Friendship c/o 2020 and 2022 parent

As the push and pull of your teen’s independence and self-sufficiency enters the homestretch, and if they’ve earned it, let go to the degree you’re comfortable. It will help them grow and continue to learn how to navigate the world without the immediate safety net of living at home. If your senior will be heading away to college next year, they’re about to take a giant step toward independence and adulthood, so give them opportunities to practice (and fail) while they’re still living at home. You can nudge them and help them course-correct if needed, but encourage their independence, and hopefully, they’ll embrace it responsibly. 

Something a neighbor said to me years ago has always stuck with me. She was relaying the story of a tribulation one of her teens had faced and how she and her husband had handled it. I still had young children and must have been looking at her with an incredulous look on my face because she said, “The goal is to raise adults.” She pretty much left it at that, but she might as well have been Yoda at that moment because I thought it was brilliant. That simple sentence has resonated with me ever since.

My friend Jen summed it up well when she expressed that one of the things she would have done differently during her daughter Grace’s senior year was to “remember that she needs to be able to make decisions more consistently since she will be an independent adult when she goes to college and will be making many decisions without my input.”

Enjoy Every Moment & Take More Pictures!

“Slow down and take it all in.” 
- Green Hope c/o 2020 and 2022 parent 

It’s a simple sentiment, but not necessarily easy because the emotions and almost manic pace of senior year can make it harder than usual. Take deep breaths and try to enjoy the moments, big and small. You can’t slow down time, but you can be present and engaged. And if it’s not working for you, scroll back up and read the section about seeking support when you need it! 

Photographing all the special events and traditions during senior year kind of goes hand-in-hand with enjoying every moment. There’s no such thing as too many pictures! Not ever, in my opinion, but especially in your student’s senior year. Many parents expressed that they wished they had taken “more pictures of everything” senior year. Smart phones make it easy (though I tried to use my DSLR camera whenever I could), and there’s no downside to snapping 100 pictures at an event. Except maybe for the potential for eye-rolling and exclamations of “Mahhhm!” But hopefully your senior is past that and will appreciate ALL of the pictures.

I hope these insights lend a hand in making yours and your student’s senior year experience overwhelmingly successful! Enjoy the year ahead. I hope it’s full of anticipation, excitement, friendship, camaraderie, and pride. I would absolutely do it all over again if I could.

Fill Your Free-Time Part 3: Volunteering & Community Engagement

This blog was initially published in June 2020 and suggests at-home volunteer opportunities for students during the Covid-19 pandemic. But many of the recommendations in this post are great suggestions for students to pursue at any time! If you are looking for ways to engage with your community, here are some suggestions!


A lot of national and international organizations have had the time and resources to move some of their volunteer opportunities online, but opportunities with other organizations are often just a proactive email away. Here are some possible ways to get started volunteering from your couch!


Before becoming a college counselor, one of my past jobs was with the Center for Service-Learning & Community Engagement at a public university. My job was to connect students with volunteer experiences out of the classroom but also to educate students on community issues. One of my favorite tools was Breakaway’s Active Citizen Continuum which prompts volunteers to learn more about their causes, question existing systems, and move towards active citizenship.

Students can become more deeply involved in their communities and become more effective, empathetic volunteers by taking time to learn more about the issues that matter most to them. For example: 

Even from home, there are still effective ways for students to deepen their ties to the communities in which they live!